Giant Anteater Husbandry Manual
2 The Standards 1. Animal care – Welfare, Health and Hygiene 1.1 Routine observation of the animals 1. The condition and health of all animals in the zoo to be checked daily by the persons in charge.
How much space (in square feet) does a giant anteater need?This is in the context of say an anteater exhibit. This is hypothetical--I'm not
really going to capture a giant anteater.
I've found that they like about a square mile to roam around in in the wild, but of course that would pretty much out of the question for an exhibit.
I need a reference, with the following constraint: if the information comes from a website, then the domain must be either .gov, .org, or .edu.
posted by briank at 5:49 PM on February 28, 2006
Spanning over three acres-Tropics of the Americas will immerse zoo guests into the animals, plants, and culture of a New World Rainforest. Visitors will encounter many rare animals such as jaguars, monkeys, giant anteaters, tapirs, bats, colorful birds, snakes and more!
posted by jjoye at 5:55 PM on February 28, 2006
Giant Anteater Husbandry Manual
Michael Flint (1998).
Reid Park Zoo, 1100 S. Randolph Way, Tucson, AZ 85716, USA.
Phone: + 1 520 791 3204
Fax: + 1 520 791 5378
This is from here.
Also, Anteater Online
posted by metaculpa at 6:14 PM on February 28, 2006

You know that .org doesn't really mean anything any more, right?
posted by dersins at 6:14 PM on February 28, 2006
Only time I've seen restrictions like that was on homework research, so I guess the teacher is worried he'd be getting information from someone trying to sell, um... anteater enclosures, I guess.
posted by luftmensch at 6:27 PM on February 28, 2006
What?!? You mean my weblog is a non-conforming use! I'm shocked!
I think this is one of the best AskMe questions I have ever seen. 'Space for a Giant Anteater' — that's gold!
posted by jdroth at 7:25 PM on February 28, 2006
posted by Robot Johnny at 7:43 PM on February 28, 2006
posted by gubo at 9:01 PM on February 28, 2006
posted by easternblot at 9:03 PM on February 28, 2006
posted by rob511 at 9:04 PM on February 28, 2006
posted by gubo at 9:17 PM on February 28, 2006
posted by zaelic at 9:19 AM on March 1, 2006

Maybe you'll find this interesting (it's about an anteater kept in a home, not an exhibit):
Page 1
Page 2 (top), Page 2 (bottom)
Page 3 (top), Page 3 (bottom)
Good luck!
posted by Marit at 7:55 PM on March 1, 2006
posted by borkingchikapa at 9:41 PM on March 1, 2006
posted by lester at 9:26 PM on March 2, 2006
Forgotten book with pranks and an aardvarkSeptember 23, 2010
How expensive are chickens to raise?October 21, 2009
How do I make visitors laugh at the expense of my...November 28, 2007
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The following manuals are intended as a resource for researchers and captive care specialists.
Please note that anteaters, sloths and armadillos are wild animals and should NOT be kept as pets. Many of them are protected by national and international laws, including the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
Giant Anteater Conservation
The objective of working in common in Latin America should be to share experiences in the hope of improving our profession. Publications appearing in English produced under controlled Zoological conditions do little to improve the status of zoological medicine in the field.
By publishing and distributing this handbook at no cost, Drs Camila Dünner Oliger and Gabriel Pastor Nicolai advance into a small and select group of Xenarthra contributors and researchers, those who truly contribute and advance zoological medicine without self-aggrandizement or self-interest.
The handbook has the following chapters: Taxonomy and distribution, anatomy and biology, rehabilitation, husbandry, nutrition, anesthesia, preventive medicine, hematology, clinical pathology, diseases, and therapeutics. The chapters are easy to read and present critical information in a direct and practical manner. Clinicians using this handbook will find it essential when working with these challenging species.
Dünner Oliger, C. & G. Pastor Nicolai (2017): Manual de manejo, medicina y rehabilitación de perezosos. Fundación Huálamo, Chile ( 154 pp. Available at <> and <>
All four anteater species can be found in Colombia: the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), the northern tamandua (Tamandua mexicana), the southern tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla), and the silky anteater (Cyclopes didactylus). The “Manual on the rehabilitation of anteaters of Colombia' (Manual de Rehabilitación de Hormigueros de Colombia) is designed to guide professionals who every day are faced with the challenges of maintaining and rehabilitating anteaters. It has been developed by veterinarians, animal management specialists, biologists, ecologists, and engineers from Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil and the United States.
Among others, its 156 pages include information about legislation, ethics, taxonomy, management, anesthesia, nutrition, neonatology, clinical pathology, quarantine, rehabilitation, habitat, monitoring, environmental education, conservation. The manual was edited by Cesar Rojano, Laura Miranda and Renzo Ávila. It is an initiative of the Giant anteater conservation project (Proyecto de Conservación del Oso Palmero) in Casanare department, Colombia, which is being carried out by Fundación Cunaguaro and Geopark Colombia S.A.S. Many thanks to the authors for sharing this important source of information!
The handling, transport and rehabilitation of armadillos is not an easy task. This manual on the maintenance and rehabilitation of armadillos seeks to explain how to transport, evaluate, treat, keep and, if possible, release these wonderful animals into the ecosystems they naturally inhabit. This initiative is part of the armadillo conservation program in the Llanos of Colombia, which is a joint effort of Cormacarena, Corporinoquia, ODL, Bioparque Los Ocarros, Corpometa and Fundación Omacha. The manual consolidates information generated by the armadillo program, the extensive knowledge of its editors Mariella Superina, Claudia Brieva, Roberto Aguilar and Fernando Trujillo, as well as previous experiences made by Cormacarena, Corpometa and Bioparque Los Ocarros.
Armadillos de los Llanos Orientales is a very attractive popular book in Spanish, edited by Fernando Trujillo and Mariella Superina, which addresses one of the fundamental problems that armadillos are facing: the vast majority of the public is unaware of their existence; let alone their ecological niche or conservation situation. In a clear and simple language, and with abundant illustrations, the reader is introduced to the fascinating world of armadillos along 176 pages.
Armadillos de los Llanos Orientales is part of the educational strategy of the Program for the Conservation and Management of the Armadillos of the Eastern Llanos of Colombia. This program, not only the first at the national level, but also one of the most promising in the Americas, was initiated in 2012 as a joint effort between the private sector, academia, government, and community. It is currently composed of the private firm Oleoducto de los Llanos (ODL), Fundación Omacha, Bioparque Los Ocarros, and the environmental corporations Cormacarena and Corporinoquia. The program seeks to make a significant and sustainable contribution to wildlife by preserving a flagship species of the Llanos through education and by raising awareness among its inhabitants, among others.
Copyright: © 2013 Oleoducto de los Llanos Orientales and others.
Reproduction of this publication is permitted without prior written consent of the copyright holder for educational or other non-commercial purposes only, provided that the source is cited.
Reproduction of this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.
Citation: Trujillo, F. and M. Superina (editors). 2013. Armadillos de los Llanos Orientales. Fundación Omacha, ODL, Corporinoquia, Cormacarena, Bioparque los Ocarros, Corpometa. Bogotá. 176 pages.
ISBN: 978-958-8554-31-0
Impresión Unión Gráfica Ltda.
Giant Anteater Husbandry Manual
Mariella Superina's armadillo dissertation contains basic information as well as recommendations for the captive maintenance of armadillos. Unfortunately, the complete version is only available in German.