Asus Tf101 Firmware Upgrade
Great news guys, as Asus just released the official Ice Cream Sandwich Android 4.0 firmware for its Transformer TF 101 tablet. This OS update has been announced by Asus from a while and we were really wondering when it will be finally pushed on the market, considering that the ICS is out and already.
Upgrading The ASUS Transformer TF101 to Android 4.4. About six months ago, my TF101 gave up its last breath. After playing around with it after the upgrade. Snow patrol fallen empires album. Upgrading The ASUS Transformer TF101 to. Thought it had died was that Android 4.4 was making its way to the TF101. Of course, being the upgrade freak that.
Eee Pad Transformer TF101 Firmware: version only for US SKU
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Steps of Update:
Asus Tf101 Firmware Update

- Download Eee Pad Transformer TF101 Firmware: V8.2.3.9 Only for US SKU and Update Launcher SOP WW
- Please follow the steps in the SOP manual to update the firmware.
Note: Firmware update can not do SKU conversion
In 1967, a slug gun with rifle sights, called the Buckbuster was introduced. The Buckbuster was cropped from the catalogue in 1975. The Model 66 was available in other configurations, the Ithaca Supersingle, the Long Tom, the Standard Grade, the Model 66 Standard Youth Grade, and the Model 66 Vent Rib. The suggested retail price in 1976 for the Standard Grade was $69.95, and the Standard Youth Grade was $74.95. All of the Model 66s were discontinued by 1979. Ithaca skb 600 trap.
How to check SW version of your Eee Pad Transformer TF101?
- Path: Settings->About tablet->Build number
- Example: You should be able to see the build number US_epad-8.X.X.XX_2011xxxx, where “US” means SKU.
- You can only update your SW version on the Same SKU.
- July 12, 2010
- Windows 7
- 23.7 MB
- March 7, 2012
- Android OS
- 85 KB
- March 7, 2012
- Android OS
- 622 KB
- March 7, 2012
- Android OS
- 8.5 MB
- December 20, 2012
- Android OS
- 312 MB
- May 3, 2011
- Android OS
- 90.5 MB
- March 2, 2011
- Windows (all)
- 454 KB
- February 23, 2011
- Windows XP
- 40.3 MB
- February 23, 2011
- Windows XP
- 24.3 MB
- February 23, 2011
- Windows XP
- 14.1 MB
About six months ago, my TF101 gave up its last breath. It was a sad day. I had spent a lot of time on upgrading it and using it faithfully every day. I thought it was all over for my TF101. I even went as far as purchasing a brand new Nexus 7 that I use as my main tablet today.
However, I was wrong. My TF101 had not breathed its last breath. To this day I’m not sure why it started working again but it did. In the end, it was a win-win situation. I was able to setup the TF101 for my kids with a variety of kids games and apps while my Nexus 7 is kept out of their hands.
Although the Nexus 7 is my main tablet, my interest in the TF101 has not waned although I admit I don’t devote as much time to it anymore. However, one thing that did happen around the time that I thought it had died was that Android 4.4 was making its way to the TF101. Of course, being the upgrade freak that I am, I desperately wanted to try it. It just took me several months to get to the point of actually doing it.
Anyway, so this past weekend I decided to give it a shot. If you have previously upgraded to 4.3 as described in older posts, then the process is much the same. For the sake of keeping things simple, the two differences are really just the files.
You need the latest KatKiss ROM from the XDA-Developer thread. At the time of writing, this was version 023 ( When I did my upgrade, it was 021.
You also need the updated Google Apps (
Then clear the tablet and flash the file. Again, follow the instructions either in the post or in my previous post here.
Of course, don’t forget to let me know what you think. After playing around with it after the upgrade, it’s clear that the KatKiss ROM is a must-have for any owner of an original TF101 Transformer. It’s a breath of fresh air and if I hadn’t gone through that rough patch with this tablet a few months back, I would most likely still be using it.